Carl Williams Blogs

Big Homie Rules

the other day ago i heard a cat say he aint taking care of another guys kids that it was some sucka stuff. this is exactly the mentality that allows them to continue to exploit, oppress, and destroy us. how can we ever ovverride this oppression without man who are willing to stand up and take responsibility for the seeds of he future? every BIG HOMIE must be of the mind to take care of not just another cats kids but 100 cats kids– in hoods without fathers. nothing really matters but family. so instead of looking at it as a burden something like that can actually be a blessing. youre inhertingg more sons and daughters more love to share more bonds to make more human capital to help you further your cause. im pretty sure that if yyou raise up a child right and they end up successful theyre gonna not gonna forget about you. they will definitely make sure youre straight especially if youre still with their mother but in many cases even when youre not because you took care of them when they had no one else. we have to start promoting different values.the real value is in the people in our children it will secure the future of our communities.

me personally, i put love above all. so if i find a woman that really love me and i really love her, especially if she done held me down throughout this bit, im not oona leave her hanging when i get out beause she got kids. they are a part of her, theres no way to really love her and not love her kids. why not be the stand-up brother to step up when no one else is? we’re in the conition we’re in because of such division. meanwhile, thats exactly whats needed in the streets. cats who’ll raise other cats kids- TRUE BIG HOMIES. if we not raising the cats under us, we’re manipulating for our own gain- which is worse than our oppresors. without true love, we wil never rise above our current condition. that very mentality will continue to be the thing that set us back. because without them type of cats no one is really growing up! they’re growing into liablities that we may one day be forced to cut off. the cycle must be broken. and it will never will without “RESONSIBILITY”..Yo brother not the other.

2 thoughts on “Big Homie Rules

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  • That’s real talk , I believe that if more real men took over the role of the absence fathers of our children we as blacks would grow more abundantly in all areas of life, and black lives would matter more , To all people not just US Blacks


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